Well folks, homecoming is officially over. So now it's the time to write something about the past weekend. Due to last year's riots on Aberdeen (the main street of homecoming; houses only students), this year was waaaaay more organized as it was last year. That's what my new Canadian friends told me. I'll take their word for it, Kingston was swarming with police this Saturday. No public urinating, no public drinking, no public passing out, no public fights, no cars being flipped over, no beer bottles being thrown at the fire department officials. Everything that happened, occured in closed spaces, i.e. at house parties. All that didn't matter to me, Superman, who just had the most superb weekend in Kingston! The suit only cost me 7 Canadian dollars, but was my meal ticket to everyone's intrigue and excitement towards the not-so-sober superhero strolling down Aberdeen and representing the Finnish party spirit!
Due to the simple reason that I'm on exchange, I have no classes during Fridays. That basically meant that Thursday was a good night to catch up with a few other exchange students and head for a few pints. Friday was your basic day off in the middle of the week; nothing much happened during the day but we did have a few people at our house. Needless to say, that once Saturday morning came along, people at our internationally renowned household were were psyched about the entire Homecoming!
Saturday morning was started off by the traditional pancake keggers, that are organized by different households all around Kingston. Saturday is also the day that Homecoming is officially kicked off and most of the old alumni members arrive in Kingston. A notable fact about the alumni is that they have the reputation of being totally off the hook during the entire weekend. From a Finnish point of view this translates to the alumni being törkerösti känässä, kairaten vahvimmin hela veckorslutet.
After the pancake kegger, where I represented Finland to the utmost Baba specifications, everyone headed down to the Richardson Stadium, where the Golden Gaels played against a team i have no recollection of. The Gaels lost, but no one cared; during Homecoming the main thing is to get hammered. That's essentially what everyone was feeling, especially the international exchange students who've come to have a solid reputation of hanging out at bars quite often.
After the game people headed to our house where the party continued. Superman enjoyed a few beers and was the absolute iltatähti on Saturday. After heading towards Aberdeen I almost got fined for public drinking on a few occasions, but a superhero-like response saved me from getting a ticket. Some people at our house weren't that lucky... On Aberdeen everyone lost everybody, so new connections needed to be made. The night was a total success even though, found a few Canadian friends later on and we partied the night away. Kairausta, baby!
Now gotta go concentrate on other things not related to alcohol consumption. Honestly. It's the beginning of a school week, might as well try to act accordingly. Holla back.
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