Random events and moments in K-town
About a week ago we went to the Pearson International Airport to pick Henna's friend Satu. She was going to stay in K-town for a week, enjoy a break from reality and get some schoolwork done on the side as well. On our way to Toronto we came upon a Volvo with a surprisingly ghettoish licence plate. It read "NOLIFE", which when combined with the safety-orientated Volvo brand quite puzzled me. One would think that Volvo driver's would actually have lives, no?! As it turned out, the driver looked like one of the stand-ins from the movie "Boyz In The Hood"... He was dark and he was mean looking. And driving the safest car Scandinavia has to offer.

Amongst all of the partying Kaisa's bed caved in. Literally.

Henna was celebrating her coming of age... erm, I mean, her 22. birthday a few weeks back and for everyone to get into the paatii, paatii -mode, we went to eat at a Greek restaurant with foul-mouthed waiters and a wonderful atmosphere. After a good dish of salmon and potatoes the main partiers of 146, continued their wild night at the Stauffer library studying and typing assignments...

Even found one of the most anchient bowling establishments in North America, where the burgers were not that brilliant and the settings were straight from a Soviet nuclear plant. Nonetheless, we had fun bowling and being hungover from last night's partying. Mika was the surprise winner of the event and received nothing for it! :p

Henna had the wonderful idea of raking their entire backyard. Actually, she's been acheing to do some raking ever since autumn arrived in Kingston. So, after me, Kristin, Aman and Kaisa had arrived last Saturday to be part of this überwonderful "Operation Rake", and Henna was all psyched up to finally rake, we threw her into the kitchen to make us pancakes. Meanwhile we raked the sh*t out of that backyard, leaving behind only confused badgers and bedazzled squirrels. Maybe next fall Henna can rake. Just maybe.
Lauri with a rake. Probably the gayest picture I've seen in a while.
It is a nice!
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